Our booking form is located on our website (www.maidtodo.com) under the "Book Now" tab.
Our booking form was designed to simplify the booking process for you. Instead of wasting a bunch of time waiting for an in-home estimate, you can simply book with us on our website in less than 60 seconds.
Basically, our booking form ask for the total square footage of your home, the type of cleaning (recurring cleaning, touch-up cleaning, detailed deep cleaning, heavy duty cleaning, move in/move out cleaning) you're needing, the frequency of the cleaning (one-time, monthly, triweekly, biweekly, weekly), and any extras you may need. Once you've made those selections an estimate will pop-up on the form. If this estimate is something you'd like to move forward with, you can then select a day and time from the form and save the booking.
Upon saving the booking, you will receive a confirmation email outlining your scheduled booking.
Many of our customers enjoy using our booking form, because it's less work for them and they receive confirmation emails 24 and 72 hours before each booking as a reminder.
If you have any questions regarding our booking form and how to use it, please contact us at (865) 455-3010.